Nikon D40 Autofocus Modes

Posted by Rhycel | Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Nikon D40 comes with three autofocus modes which are suitable to certain types of shooting situations...

AF-S (single-servo autofocus:
In this mode the D40 locks in a focus point when you press the shutter button halfway and the focus light glows in the viewfinder. This mode is best used when your subject is static or motionless.

AF-C (Continous-servo autofocus):
With this mode the D40 sets the focus when the shutter button is half-pressed but continues to monitor thr frame and refocuses if the camera or subject moves. This autoficus mode is useful in photographing sports and other subjectgs in motion.

AF-S (auto-servo autofocus):
This is the D40's default autofocus mode, wherein the camera switches between AF-S and AF-C as needed. This mode is great when taking photos of subjects who might move unexpectedly such as a child playing.

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